I'm playing with posting pictures today. I managed to get them taken and put on the upstairs computer. Then I e-mailed them to the laptop, since it won't let me plug in the camera. (So I don't really like how it added the pictures, but I can't make it do what I want. Sigh...)
Caron Simply Soft -Autumn Red, Bone, Forest Green (aka Forks Green)
Caron Simply Soft Eco - Denim Wash
Caron Simply Soft Collection - Harvest Maize and Passion
I haven't had a chance to pick up the little numbers yet. I hope to get to Hobby Lobby soon to pick them up.
This little tree was made for the Port Byron Library. It took 2nd place in the Christmas Tree/Snowman contest. It is currently being raffled off. My only regret is that the angel is ecru and not white. I didn't have any white tatting thread at the time. Oh well!
The tree skirt was made with size 10 cotton crochet thread.
The angel was made with tatting thread, as were the bells and the toppers on the ball ornaments. The garland was made with a size 16 steel hook and hand-quilting thread.